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Transitional Kindergarten & Kindergarten provide a warm welcome to the school experience: a school day focused on social development & play-focused learning.

 K: Turning 5 by 9/1/2025.

TK: Turning 4 by 9/1/2025. 


TK at Gault is built to be a welcoming entry into the school experience. With play-focused learning and a social environment, TK is built to instill a love of school while giving students a safe developmental environment to build relationships.


Kindergarten provides a more focused and directed approach to the curriculum, but it is certainly nevertheless a year that puts play, social development and curiosity foremost.


Whether you start in TK or K, you will find a warm welcome to your time at Gault.

Our early learning focuses on many areas in which students explore.


We learn reading and phonics: letters, sounds, blends, words, and reading!


We learn math: numbers and more numbers! Counting, matching, adding, subtraction, composing and decomposing numbers to ten, patterns, shapes and basic number sense.


We learn Social Studies: Science and Social and Emotional Development: hands on projects woven into the day


We learn language arts: GLAD. English Language Development for students learning English as a second language and Spanish for students who speak English as their first language

We also learn CS and Digital literacy: introduction to foundational concepts of digital literacy.


The Life Lab Program at Gault School is a hands-on science and nutrition program. All TK & K students visit the garden in small groups with their class every other week during the school year.


Lessons include scientific observation and illustration, science experiments, planting, growing, and harvesting seasonal fruits and vegetables, preparing foods and tasting.

Life Lab

Art and Music are integrated all throughout the day in all classrooms but our TK and K students get to have designated art classes as well, providing time to explore their creativity.


Our art classes are taught by a credentialed art teacher who works to develop not only fine motor skills but self expression.

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At Gault, our computer science program starts right away! We work with "offline" algorithms and give students a real-world foundation of computational concepts to build familiarity in computer science.


In Kindergarten, this starts with programming a Kibo robot! After planning and creating their program, pairs of programmers practice using Kibo’s scanner to input the program in to the robot!  Then, we get to observe Kibo’s movements, debug any problems, and see our programs in action!

  • Morning Block/ Mañana

  • Phonics and Literacy/ Fónicos y Literatura

  • Centers (Phonics and Literacy)/
    Centros (Fónicos y Alfabetismo)

  • Recess and Snack / Recreo y Meriendas

  • After Recess Block / Después de recreo

  • Math talks and instruction/Charlas matemáticos y instrucción

  • Math Centers/Centros de Matemáticas

  • GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design)

  • Lunch and Recess/Almuerzo y Recreo

  • Social Studies, Science, Writers Workshop/ Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias, Talleres de Escritura

  • Choice Time/ Tiempo de Elección

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After School

Gault offers Free or Affordable after school enrichment & activities to all of our TK/K families. Our program is run by an experienced in-house team of educators who cooperate with core teaching staff to maximize student enrichment.


We're proud to offer these programs to all families, to help our students' development and support our families all day.


We welcome families into the learning environment, and there are a wonderful variety of ways to get involved. From getting involved with the Gault PTO, to chaperoning at field trips to supporting in the classroom, the door is open for you.


We can get you cleared and certified to volunteer in person at school very quickly.


Reach out!

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